Sunday, June 28, 2009

7/2 History: Revisions and Reimaginings

History: Revisions and Reimaginings
July 2nd, 6:30pm in Flat Branch Park, Rain Location: Memorial Union

When reading these articles, think about the ways we package history in our culture.

What Are the People Who Reenact 20th Century Wars Up to?

Why Study War?

Comfort Women & US Troops

Late Victorian Holocausts

Animated Anastasia Film: Fictionalization of Historic Events

We'll be watching Anastasia on Wednesday 7/1, 6:30pm location TBA

Renaissance Fairs

World History vs Western History

Historical Film as Real History (pdf)

The New Central Asia: The Creation of Nations

1. Consider the artificiality of nations, and how in schools they are taught to be organic in making.
2. What purpose does it serve the state and individuals to believe that nations have an organic vs. constructed from artificial means?
3. If modernization is an integral part of developing a national identity as in the case of Central Asia nations, then what does that mean for developmental theories that try to modernize nations and its impact upon the world's tendency towards globalization?

The Origins of the Third World

Read the Introduction, Famine in India, Turning Drought into Famine, and Deliberate British Policies in India.

1. Why is this failure of forced lasseiz-faire policies, that killed millions of people, not ever discussed in schools?
2. Why are complications which are associated with economic/informal imperialism not taught in schools, whilst direct formal imperialism which occupies less time in history so carefully dissected?

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